Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Prayer for the Sandersons

My heart pours out to God with prayers for my friends, the Sandersons. Their preemie baby Suzie was born 3 months early, and as that is where we now are in our pregnancy it just breaks my heart...yet I rejoice at the same time with the birth of this precious child. If you know them, please check out the link on our site to their blog to see how things are progressing. Even if you don't know them, please pray with us for the precious life of this little one. She continues to grow and progress, but still has far to go before she will be able to go home with her parents. What a blessing a child is!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Update on Baby Jones

For those who didn't already know, we have chosen the name of Samuel Jacob for our precious miracle. We get more and more excited each and every day. So far, everything has been doing well with his progress. We went to the doctor on Friday and found that he seemed to be larger than expected, so we are going back on Monday for an ultrasound to see how he is doing. Please pray that all will continue to go well, and that this is just a sign of a healthy boy who is eager to grow and meet his parents. Please pray for the health of Mommy as well as I have been having problems with back pain and swelling. I have been advised by Daddy to spend this weekend as a bed rest weekend and to stay put at home. I have gotten a lot of sleep and the swelling has been going down and I have felt better because of all of the rest. I have learned through this weekend that I simply need to take better care of myself and get more rest.

We are trying to get things ready in our home to be prepared for him, but this had been quite a journey to get ready. We were given a baby bed and much more great stuff for Sam this week, which we are immensely thankful for. Now it is just being ready for the furniture to come in our home (it is staying at Larry and Brenda's until we have a place to put it). Hopefully, we will have a place to put it in the next two weeks.